Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I can't believe it! I tried to join a Yahoo group and I was turned down. I've been joining groups on Yahoo for quite a few years and I have never been turned down before. It's really not a big deal but I was so surprised. Humpf!

I finished a baby helmet for Carol's new grandson today. Isn't it the cutest thing? I put it on Ariane's American Girls doll that she had to have when she was twelve. I think she played with it half a dozen times and put it away. She never did like dolls. Oops, didn't mean to get side tracked. Back to the hat. I used Sirdar Pattern #3064. And I used Sirdar Snuggly DK yarn. This yarn is sooo soft. Now I'll make a pair of socks or booties to go with it.

I got the hat finished today because I had an unexpected day off today. Scott decided he wanted to work on painting the cellar so he only went in long enough to get the guys started on jobs. He told me I didn't have to go in if I didn't want to. I really have quite a bit of bookwork to get done but it didn't take me long to decide to stay home. I got all the laundry done but not much else. Oh, I did go to the post office and mail out the cabled hat, seaman scarf and hat, and crocheted had to Stand Up for Kids!, a charity in Colorado. And I went to the library and picked up the copy of Stitch 'N Bitch Nation they were holding for me. Not a bad day at all.

I let the dog out a while ago and she saw a deer and came running back to the house whimpering. She is such a chicken. Scott had looked out the dining room window and saw 5 of them in the yard. They like to eat out of the bird feeder and sleep under the pine trees. I can't imagine how many would be in the yard if we lived in the country instead of in town.


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