Friday, February 25, 2005


I am sooo excited. I asked how to add links to my blog on the list and got great answers! I now have blog links on my sidebars. Next stop will be adding buttons!

I pulled out some afghan pattern books and have started two for the baby gift. One is a crocheted ripple stitch afghan that I've made before. I am using Carons Dazzleaire in mint green to start. The pattern has 3 colors and I have mint green, off white, and light purple in this yarn. I don't know if I want these colors but I figure if I make it, I can send it somewhere. I like this crochet pattern and it's a change from knitting so I'll probably continue with it. Actually, I made this pattern afghan for Alek when I was pregnant for him. That was 20 years ago. Man, I really don't throw things out! The other pattern is a knit one that I've started in WoolEase in a light blue. Well, I'm still in the process of casting on for this one. It's a yarn over pattern on an angle. Maybe tomorrow I'll scan a picture of the book. Again, it's a Leisure Arts pattern.

Tomorrow morning, Donna and I are going to the LYS in Utica. I want to see if I can find another copy of the Sirdar booklet that has the bootie pattern and I'm wondering if I should get more of the Cascade 220 for the Alien scarf. I think I have enough but I'm not sure. Or I might get some Patons Canadiana to make the knit afghan out of. I'm not sure about using WoolEase for a baby. And the Canadiana comes in some great varigated colorways.

The weatherman is talking about the possibility of a major nor'easter coming up the coast on Monday and Tuesday. Right now they don't know if we'll get a major storm or just some snow. With our luck, it'll be major accumulation. Kind of like two years ago when we got 30" on Christmas Day. I think if I buy milk tomorrow, I'll be all set to be snowed in. Ooh, might be a good idea to get a bottle of wine, too. And maybe rent a couple of movies. Getting snowed in is not always a bad thing. But now that I'm thinking that way, it'll miss us. Or we'll lose power instead and we don't have any firewood for the fireplace. I'll let you know what happens. One thing I do know - I have enough yarn and books to read to last me through being snowed in for a long time!


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