Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I've been accepted on the Fiber RAOK ring site. How fun is that?! I've never been a member of a ring site before so I'm going to fumble my way around for a while. It will be fun to send surprises to people.

First thing I have to do is host the image of the ring site on my own photo site. I'm not sure how to fix that so I'll go poke around my template in a while and see if the solution pops out at me.

I have been have been knitting and crocheting lately but I don't seem to be sticking with one thing long enough to finish anything. I want to get some charity items finished up and sent out but I keep going in too many different directions. I guess I need to pick one project and work on it until it's finished then go to the next one.

The lifesaver afghan is coming along but it isn't even half way done yet. I think that's because I can knit without looking at the work but I can't crochet unless I'm looking at my hands. That slows me down a bit. I goofed on the first buttonhole on the fair isle yarn sweater so I haven't done any more on it. I'm not posting pictures of partially finished items any more. It seems to curse them.

We took the trailer and camped at the Canandaigua KOA this past weekend. It's only 20 minutes from Ariane's apartment so we got her moved into the new place. Luckily, the new place is only a block and a half from the old place. She got in Friday at midnight after spending 4 days in Las Vegas for work and had to fly out Sunday night for St. Louis. She gets home today. She's going to be a wee bit tired.

I didn't even take most of the stuff out of the trailer since we leave Saturday for a week in Lake Placid. It's our first week long camping trip of the summer and I can't wait. There's a yarn shop there that I haven't been to yet. Sue and I should have a good time there. And there's lots to do in Lake Placid with all the Olympic venues still in use. During the summer training skiers practice their jumps by skiing into a pool. The skating rink is usually in use and there's always the mountains for hiking.

That's about it for tonight. I have to go play with my template.


At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to raok! those booties and hat are very cute and it was helpful to have the ruler in the picture for size.

At 2:42 AM, Blogger StarKnits said...

welcome to the RAOK ring! i love that lifesaver blanket. caron simply soft is soooo soft i love it!


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