Thursday, August 02, 2007

Camping in upstate NY

Camping in upstate NY usually means that at some point, you will be sitting in the rain. This is Scott sitting by the campfire at Wellesley Island State Park in the Thousand Islands. We camped there the week of July 7-15.

Wayne joined him for a while but they both gave up and sat under the awning with the rest of us. It rained every day we were there. But sometimes the rain came at night and I don't think there was any day that was a complete wash out.

And one day we even got to see a rainbow.

The trailer shown in the first picture is our new 5th wheel. We really didn't like the quality of the one we bought two years ago so we traded it in on one that we really wanted. It's bigger and very nice. I'll have to take pictures of the inside sometime and post them.

We went camping at Sampson State Park on Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes last weekend from Friday night to Monday. It rained on our trip out but then it was gorgeous for the rest of the weekend. I have a couple pictures that I'll post later.

This Saturday we leave for a week in Meredith, New Hampshire. The campground is about 11 miles from Patternworks so I'm excited. There will be a little yarn shopping going on. I just hope the nasty cold I'm battling will be gone by the weekend.

I finally finished the Hugs N Kisses ponchettes for my niece's twin girls. I mailed them before we left last Friday. I don't know if they will ever get to wear them as they live in North Carolina but they can use them as doll clothes or something.

I made them out of Red Heart Super Saver since I know Katie will just throw them in the washer and dryer. The yarn was stiff but it softened up nicely after I washed and dried them.

Now I have to get back to making mittens for the Cheyenne River Reservation. Last year I sent 6 pairs (I made 5 and Donna made 1), and this year Ann has asked for 7 pairs in 2007. I have 4 pairs in various stages of completion.

Oh man, I need to be to work early and I'm not even close to being ready. Gotta run!


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

Sorry it rained a lot but I'm glad you still mangaged to have a nice time. I'm utterly cool! And the ponchettes are just adorable! :)

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Camping in the rain is half the fun =;) As long as you're not trying to cook, that is. Those ponchettes came out so cute, nice job. I bet they'll get good use out of them in the fall. Nice work!

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Bibliocat said...

Those Hugs N Kisses ponchettes are so cute.... are they for the twins to wear or for dolls. I would love to knit one for my niece. Where would I find the pattern. Is it in a book? I googled the name and just your blog and someone who makes barbie clothes. Thanks, sheryl


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