Monday, June 16, 2008

All socks, all the time...

I've decided to jump into sock knitting with both feet this summer. Actually for the next year.

If you check out the side bar, you will see two new KALs listed - 52 Pair Plunge II and Summer of Socks 2008.

52 Pair Plunge II entails knitting 52 pairs of socks from 6/1/08 to 6/1/09. That's a pair a week! Do I think I can do it? I have no idea but this KAL includes baby socks so it's a possibility.

Summer of Socks 2008 runs from 6/21/08 until 9/1/08. All the socks must be adult sized and have a cuff at least 2" long. There is a contest for most socks knitted and best "Sock on Vacation" photo. And every two weeks there is a random drawing for prizes based on socks finished in that time period.

And I have signed up for Sock A Month 6. I don't have a button or the website for that yet. The good thing is that the adult socks I knit will work for all three KALs and the baby socks will work for two of the KALs.

Here is the first pair of socks that I finished for the 52PP2.

Just my usual toddler socks knit in Patons Classic Merino Wool on size US 5 needles.
They will be heading to Children In Common at the end of June for their latest campaign.

These socks could also count for my June Sock a Month 5 entry but I hope to finish the Sweet Socks by 6/27/08.

The first sock is done and the second one has the ribbing done.

Here is a close up of the cables.

And I can't be knitting socks for a whole year without buying sock yarn, can I?

Okay, I know I have enough sock yarn to knit more than 52 pairs of socks but this was sooo pretty. It's from Mama Llama in "Venice" and "Day". I bought it through Sonny and Shear.

I've started a pair of Cookie A.'s Monkey socks with the "Venice" colorway. I have three of the six pattern repeats done and the yarn looks great in this pattern. Pictures of these socks will be posted at a later date.

And now you know what I'll be doing for the summer. Although I have to make a couple more chemo hats. The 15 year old daughter of our dog's groomer has leukemia and I want to make them for her.