Friday, September 16, 2005

Scarves everywhere!

I seem to be working on scarves lately. The first pictures are of the k2, p2 scarf I'm doing for charity. It matches the mittens I just finished. I have quite a bit more done than shown in the picture. I took it to my Weight Watchers meeting on Wednesday and worked on it during the presentation. Mindless enough that I could knit and listen, too.

This is my progress on the multidirectional scarf. I am actually farther along on this one, too.

I didn't take updated pictures today because it's very gray out there. Ophelia is sending some rain our way. We are leaving today around noon for Lake Placid again. Scott is running a half marathon (13.1 mi.) up there tomorrow. We're camping until Sunday. I don't think the weather is going to be too great, though. I just hope I get a chance to visit Adirondack Yarns while I'm there. Last time I was there, she was just moving into a bigger store. I'd like to see what she's added.

Gotta run. Still need to go into work to do payroll and be done by 11 a.m. so we can pack up and go.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What brain pattern am I?

Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is an incubator for good ideas, it just takes a while for them to develop.
But when you think of something, watch out!
Your thoughts tend to be huge, and they come on quickly - like an explosion.
You tend to be quiet around others, unless you're inspired by your next big idea.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Which way is up?

I have discovered multidirectional knitting and I love it! I joined the Multidirectional Knitting group that was started by Iris Schreier. She wrote the book "Modular Knits". I bought it Sunday at Barnes and Noble and love the patterns. When I joined the yahoo group, she sent me a free copy of directions for the Multidirectional Scarf. Here is the beginning my MD scarf.

And a close up of the scarf

This is the Symphonie yarn by Plassard that I am using for the scarf. It's 100% wool and the color changes are long.

This pattern is very easy and so much fun to do. I have 3 1/2 of the 7 large triangles done now. I'll post more pictures later.

I'm also working on scarves, hats and mittens for the Yarn Yoga charity challenge. I finished a pair of 2 needle mittens from Patons Canadiana Colours acrylic yarn. Now I'm working on a matching scarf. I only have one skein of this yarn and I hope I have enough to finish the scarf. I cast 20 stitches onto size 11 needles and am doing a k2, p2 rib until I run out of yarn. The mittens are a child's size 6-8 so I should be able to get a decent size scarf from the yarn that is left.

I made 4 cloths for Cloths for Katrina but I think the group is having some growing pains. One of the list owners bowed out and there seems to be some questions about where the cloths are to be sent and the focus of the group. I'm going to hang onto my cloths and wait for the dust to settle. I think they are getting things figured out now. I wish them luck.

I was RAOK'd by Julie Wyant! She sent me a cute e-card. Thank you, Julie! I love the pig!!

Well, I need to go. I have to get ready for work. And I think my computer mouse is dying which makes it difficult to navigate. I'll take updated pics of my current projects and get them posted soon.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Url for Katrina cloths

This is just a quick post. I thought I should post the URL for the Cloths for Katrina group. You can join this group at Cloths for Katrina.

Hope to see you there.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


I've been rather neglectful here. I blame it on all the Yahoo groups I'm in. By the time I get done reading all my emails, I don't feel like posting here. Guess I'll have to do something about that. But it's hard to decide which ones to leave. I do know that I'm in too many charity groups again and, much as I hate to do it, I'm going to quit one or two. I just can't keep up.

I have been knitting and crocheting lately but I'm mostly doing my start one item, get half way through it and then start something else thing. I did get three baby sweaters sent to God's Tiny Angels for the August challenge. One was the mint green one I posted a picture of and the other two were crocheted. I have a picture of one but I haven't taken it off the digital yet.

Yarn Yoga is having a charity challenge for hats, mittens and scarves for kids age 6-12 for a battered women's shelter in Maryland. I had made one 2 needle mitten a while ago and am almost finished with the second one for this challenge. These are easy for me to do so I hope to get quite a few made. I only got three 9"x7" blocks made for the Warm Up America challenge that was last month and I'd like to do better with this one.

I have a hat made from Lopi almost done, too. This is going to Afghans for Afghans. Their deadline is Sept. 26th. I don't know if I'll get any more than this made for them or not.

And now with the horrors of Hurricane Katrina, I'm trying to make face cloths to send to the refugees. There is a Yahoo group for this and I'll post the link later. Actually, I'll probably put the button on my sidebar.

I don't have the time to write anymore now so I'll try to post all the links and some pictures tomorrow or the next day. At least I got an entry in today.